SPCC by SPCC is licensed under a Creative Commons Atribuição-Uso Não-Comercial-Compatilhamento pela mesma licença 3.0 Unported License.
house meeting this saturday with the topics:
· recent destructive events and personality issues
· inclusion of new residents
· nature and status of the SPCC project
· perspectives on the current work efficiency
this is a private meeting for residents only
update: meeting was pushed forward as everyone was at the house yesterday.
S's birthday! booze!
following the motto of inspiration, i thought i'd also provide a perspective of my personal references and what i'll be standing for at SPCC.
though i've been involved politically since my teens, my main references are philosophy and mathematics. here is a short list.
here are few that i've been inspired by along the way
red rattler - sydney
hello. this is our first story. hopefully more will come soon.