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Less people, more easier to maintain, share, learn, etc. Back on track we are, Our kids (R,S,I) are now more calm because their issue disappeared. Good. Old business is the same i think. The only thing that changes here is my behavior. I'm not going to scream more at anyone, even if they are disrespecting me. I'll ignore. Some time ago i knew this so good - ignoring is the worst thing you can do to someone that disrespects you. I re-learned again, mostly thanks to my private talks to J.
So for instance, i'm going to ignore the fact that they don't say thank you, or are not even polite (saying good morning when you see someone in the room is nice, and they always did it). I'm going to ignore the fact that they told us that we do not include them, and that they feel that we need a meeting and do not act according to what they say and instead close them selfs in their rooms and act as if nothing happen - i am not going after them asking if they still want a meeting. Etc...etc...and etc.
I will continue to do EVERYTHING i did since the beginning: work in maintenance, create new stuff, improving old stuff, helping guests feel comfortable and participative, being there if someone asks for help, being that my PRIORITY. But whenever someone disrespects me, i'll ignore that, and keep moving, instead of trying to talk to someone that does not tolerate or respects something or someone if they are not included in their ideologies or life style.
Besides that, today, me , D and our guests gather spontaneously together in breakfast, and in five minutes decided and volunteer for simple tasks on cleaning and constructing things, to recover from the hitchhiking invasion. Altogether in few hours we cleaned the building and transformed some stuff: bigger table in hosting floor, and other tables went to chill out, new fireplace outside that is perfect for pizzas or bread.