SPCC by SPCC is licensed under a Creative Commons Atribuição-Uso Não-Comercial-Compatilhamento pela mesma licença 3.0 Unported License.
our new sub woofer works great, but i think our PA is overheating. we're now pushing the 600W of music on the 2nd floor successfully. the party was great, as usual, so i think we'll host them regularly now. we also got T's laptop to work as a full DJ system, so we're set. the audio out is good enough for our purposes (48000Hz 32bit)
daniel and a new random guest (out of a hitchhiking forum) have been busy. daniel designed a very organic flow to give shade in the front of the building. it looks amazing, all built from string and cane. overall budget maybe about 20€.
our solar system is perfect now. we can use everything we need. we'll see how it works once the rest of the residents come and start using it more.
godspeed starstuff ☆★☆☆★★★☆☆☆☆☆